The Challenge Facing the Attitude for Disposable Fashion

There are days you wake up to the realization that you have nothing to wear, or there is no quality clothing for the dinner you have been invited to. The sad news is that we cannot solely blame fashion brands from the status quo. Before boycotting your local H&M, bear in mind that the industries always respond to the market demand.

So, you want to fill your wardrobe to the brim with a low budget? The industry will definitely deliver in earnest. These poor shopping habits that we practice don’t take long to spiral out of control to become a norm of impulse buying compulsion.

There is a deep disconnect between the old fashion and the contemporary new fashion that has thrived alongside the new brands such as Boohoo and Forever 21, and these new brands proliferate the mainstream fashion market with an attitude for cheap disposable fashion and second-rate goods.

Analyzing the Problem

You might think that having a wardrobe full of cheap and affordable clothes will end the “what to wear” dilemma, but the case seems to be different. Since the clothes that have been acquired over the years are unremarkable , they will not stand the test of time as some will begin fading and stretching out hence, losing their initial appeal. This means these clothes can no longer be worn in public again and will end up feeling like waste, necessitating for disposal.

Surprisingly enough, even with the overabundance of apparel in our wardrobes, we all tend to wear our favorite clothes. As a result, we only end up utilizing just a fraction of the wardrobe, while the other fraction rarely gets to see the light of day.

According to a survey done by Weight Watcher, about 47% of the clothes in an average man’s wardrobe and 55% of those in an average woman’s wardrobe are not worn. That means that about €10.5 billion worth of clothes are just hanging in the wardrobes without being worn in the UK. That’s nearly close to the gross domestic product of Malta. That’s just in the United Kingdom alone, and you can guess what the value of unworn clothes in the world would add up to.

Every year, synthetic fiber alone contributes to millions of tons of environmental waste. The disposed clothes are as a result of prodigal consumerism and needless overspending. If we are to thrive, these habits need to be reformed and curtailed. Slow fashion advocate for buying less of better-quality clothing which will stand the test of time.

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